Other Projects

Spelling Rectifier Web App

A Flask based web app where you can upload a ".txt file" with spelling mistakes and get the incorrect text rectified. The rectified or correct text is presented as an Output. Along with it the app also presents you the list of misspelled words, their corresponding correct and candidate words.

Web Scraping Multiple Webpages of a Website

Uses BeautifulSoup to scrape a static website,shows how challenging the collection of data is in the field of Data Science

C Compiler

It is a simple android app which is capable of compiling and running C programs and displaying output.It uses Hackerearth API.

Simple Chat-Bot using NLTK

The nltk.chat chatbots work on the regex of keywords present in your question. So you can add any number of questions in a proper format so that your chatbot doesn’t get confused in determining the regex.

Twitter Text Classification on Racism

Classify tweets as Racist or Non-Racist using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning

Wine Quality Classifier

Classify "wine quality" as good or bad- RandomForestClassifier, SVM Classifier, MLP Classifier